Socialization of Export Products Assisted by DAGLU, Lesson learned "Pay Attention to the Regulations in Export Destination Countries -->

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Socialization of Export Products Assisted by DAGLU, Lesson learned "Pay Attention to the Regulations in Export Destination Countries

Thursday, 23 March 2023

BALAM | — Regional Government of Lampung Province, through the Department of Industry and Trade, whose address is Jl. Cut Mutia no. 44 tel/fax 0721 470305 Bandar Lampung invites business actors assisted by the Lampung Province DISPERINDAG to become participants in the Tentative Program "Export-oriented Product Socialization for SMEs of processed food and beverage products. Located at Yunna Hotel Jl. Ikan Hiu no. 1 Teluk Betung Selatan Bandar Lampung , Tuesday 21 March 2023 at 08.30.

As many as 40 qualified UKM participants were present and some had exported and passed the Export Coaching Program (ECP) last year. The event was opened by the moderator, Mrs. Juwita Prima, Trade Analysis for Young Experts from the Department of Industry and Trade.

Mrs. Juwita mentioned that "the best export-oriented food is one that suits consumer tastes, is safe for consumption, has better quality and has the application of halal according to the Constitution No. 18 of 2012 concerning food contamination.

Food contamination can occur from a biological point of view, including worms, bacteria, and those related to sanitation and hygiene. Chemical contaminants include toxins from fungi, heavy metals and others. Physical contamination includes the contents of Staples, hair and parts of animals.

As the first speaker, namely Mr. Rian Friansyah,, Apt from the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) explained that for export orientation, food and beverages should pay attention to the bad impacts that will occur if they do not apply the guidelines for Good Processed Food Production Methods (CPPOB), namely causing sick, not educated either by sellers or makers, and Indonesian food is not well known of course.

"As a producer, you should position yourself as a consumer," said Bp. Ryan. It was also said that there is the term "TARA PANGAN" for standard packaging which means it may be used for food or other terms food grade.

One of the forms of BPOM's service is issuing Control of Export Certificates (SKE) for BPOM-assisted SMEs. SKE is in nature as an evaluation aspect for export products.

The second speaker from the Kabid Daglu Mrs. Dra. Ratna Meliasari, M.M. say that exports are "Be To Be", Business to Business, the problem is be to be will arise when the Destination Country is disappointed with inappropriate quality, then BPOM Indonesia will be reprimanded by foreign countries. Even though for now the cases that have emerged are from Lampung SMEs which independently carry out exports but the Lampung BPOM is also affected, and the Indonesian BPOM which has tarnished its reputation. Therefore, there will be a cooperation regulation between DAGLU and BPOM Lampung as a commitment. In 2023, Foreign Trade (DAGLU) will provide assistance to export-oriented SMEs so that the products are suitable for export, find buyers and make business matching abroad.

Mrs. Ratna explained why this outreach was carried out in an impromptu manner, "because this is a very urgent problem". It was revealed that there were SMEs from Lampung who were also invited to attend the current socialization event, whose names cannot be mentioned, had already exported. The UKM exported 5 food variants, because the export was carried out independently so the buyer agreed to do a lab test in the destination country, namely Korea, which should have been tested in Indonesia. It was there that it was revealed that out of the 5 variants, there were 2 food variants which contained substances that were indeed prohibited for products requested by Korean buyers which were prohibited from entering, namely cyclamate or sweeteners or cider.

No kidding, the consequence is that these SMEs have to destroy the product and be blacklisted throughout the world. Even though this UKM is HASAP, meaning that all stages and permits have been completed from the start. Grateful, the Buyer came directly to meet the SME, bear the cost of destroying the product and is even willing to teach the SME to make a new PT. In fact, on March 12, these SMEs have re-exported. How to do this, said the DAGLU did not understand. Maybe it was because I heard the story from the UKM that 2 of his products were products of colleagues and he helped sell them.

The point is "SMEs are consistent in moving up the grade," continued Ms. Ratna.

Head of DISPERINDAG Office Elvira Umihanni, S.,M.T. who took the time to attend the socialization event also gave directions for export-oriented SMEs to maintain product quality in foreign markets, both Lampung products from large and small companies to meet export standards because high competition will still occur and will be sought - look for the mistake so that the buyer can refuse. Buyers also have a desire to protect SMEs in their country.

ECP-assisted SMEs were asked to convey and coordinate any problems with DISPERINDAG regarding obstacles in the field when exporting. Mrs. Kadis also added that if it is necessary to hold forums like this again to accommodate our fostered SMEs. "Let's maintain our good name, the good name of our country." he concluded. (FM*/)